5 Ugly Things It’s Doubtful You Know About The Prison Industry

It’s touched the lives of 10s of millions of people in the United States.

Damian Delune
5 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Devon Wilson on Unsplash

Since October 2021, this account has been (mostly) about the reality of prison life. When I accepted the reality of my situation before leaving for prison, I wanted to learn as much as I could about what I was getting into. Having never been to prison, all I knew about it, for the most part, was what I’d seen in movies and on television.

I had some family members who’d been there for short periods of time, but I didn’t exactly trust their word about their experiences. Going online didn’t exactly give me much either — the forums like Quora do have a lot of information from those who have been incarcerated and there is some good information out there from those folks, but there’s a lot of shit to wade through from people who think everyone who is in prison deserves the worst life has to offer.

Demeter and I wanted to create a place where those who may be facing incarceration, and their loved ones, could find real information without wading through the bullshit. We also wanted folks in the real world to understand what it’s actually like on the inside, not some Hollywood version, but more importantly, not what the government wanted you to think.



Damian Delune

Incarcerated writer sharing real stories about life on the inside, through my wife, Demeter Delune (editor, publisher, promoter, responder)