5 Ways My Wife and I Keep Our Relationship Alive While I’m in Prison

It is possible to keep the romance and connection alive if you’re willing to be creative.

Damian Delune
8 min readMar 4, 2023
Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

When I first realized how long I would be away from my wife, I will admit, the time was daunting. It was never a concern for me that I would not be able to be away from her for that long, not in the sense that I thought I would be unfaithful or anything like that. That isn’t a major concern for either of us, really, our relationship isn’t built like that as we’re polyamorous. Beyond that, we sat down before I had to leave and had an open, honest, and vulnerable conversation about the fact that I don’t expect her to be alone for over five years.

My main concern was that she would get tired of waiting. This isn’t her sentence to serve. Although I didn’t commit the crime I’m accused of and shouldn’t be serving this sentence either, I did put myself in the position over and over of being around the wrong people and making shitty choices, which is ultimately what landed me where I am today, not her.

Though ultimately, it is her choice to make of course, I made sure to tell her many times, I would understand, though of course be devastated, if she decided she just didn’t want to wait over five years of her life for me to come home. She…



Damian Delune

Incarcerated writer sharing real stories about life on the inside, through my wife, Demeter Delune (editor, publisher, promoter, responder)