Damian DeluneHow Do Guards in Prison Do What They Want With Impunity?Where I am housed, lack of oversight and being short-staffed means they get away with a lot.May 4, 20232May 4, 20232
InMind CafebyDamian DeluneThe Top 5 Things I’ve Learned in My First Almost Year in PrisonAlmost one year down, a little over four to go.Aug 5, 202217Aug 5, 202217
Damian DeluneHow Medical Care Doesn’t Work Within the State Prison SystemsI can’t speak for every state but within the NC system, this is my experience so far.Aug 3, 20226Aug 3, 20226
Damian DeluneHow to Help Someone Who’s Doing Everything Alone Surrounding Their Loved One Being in PrisonIt can be painful to watch, but try to see it from their point of view.Aug 1, 20221Aug 1, 20221
Damian DeluneMy Top 3 Medical Grievances Regarding Being in Prison as of TodayI’m tired of being treated less than human.Jul 18, 20224Jul 18, 20224
Damian DeluneMy Wife Was Attacked on Instagram Because She Said She Worried About My Safety in PrisonPeople in general don’t give a shit about inmates and that’s why nothing changes.Jul 17, 202221Jul 17, 202221
Damian DeluneWhat It’s Like to Receive Outside Medical Treatment When You’re in PrisonI hope you like being in chains.Nov 25, 20225Nov 25, 20225
Damian DeluneThe First Six Months of Prison Are Some of The Darkest Days I’ve Ever LivedMy advice to anyone who’s facing time in prison on how to make it through the beginning.Jan 20, 20235Jan 20, 20235
Damian DeluneThe Chrisley’s Situation is Proof Positive People Aren’t Aware What Prison MeansReports that Todd Chrisley is being housed in the nation’s 2nd cushiest prison prove this.Jan 23, 202311Jan 23, 202311
Damian DeluneWishing a Horrific Sentence on Someone Says More About You Than Their CrimesPrison reform will never happen in this country as long as our citizens wish the worst on every offender.Feb 6, 20237Feb 6, 20237