Damian DeluneHow Do Guards in Prison Do What They Want With Impunity?Where I am housed, lack of oversight and being short-staffed means they get away with a lot.May 4, 20232May 4, 20232
InMind CafebyDamian DeluneThe Top 5 Things I’ve Learned in My First Almost Year in PrisonAlmost one year down, a little over four to go.Aug 5, 202217Aug 5, 202217
Damian DeluneHow Medical Care Doesn’t Work Within the State Prison SystemsI can’t speak for every state but within the NC system, this is my experience so far.Aug 3, 20226Aug 3, 20226
Damian DeluneMy Top 3 Medical Grievances Regarding Being in Prison as of TodayI’m tired of being treated less than human.Jul 18, 20224Jul 18, 20224
Damian DeluneGuilty or Innocent Doesn’t Matter When You’re in Prison — You’re a CriminalThe world and the people in it judge you based on a label, period.Jun 21, 20228Jun 21, 20228
Damian Delune3 Things I’ve Seen in Prison Recently That Should Never HappenThe longer we’re locked down, the worse things getJun 15, 202212Jun 15, 202212
Damian DeluneIf You Know It’s Against The Rules to Do Something in Prison Why Do It?Sometimes you have to buck the system.May 21, 20223May 21, 20223
Damian DelunePrisons Given 30 Million Dollar Budget For Air Conditioning Yet They Still Don’t Have ItOur state can’t get their shit together even when they have the money to do it.Aug 16, 20224Aug 16, 20224
Damian DeluneMonkeypox Has Made Its Way Into the Prison SystemAnd the misinformation is spreading like wildfire.Sep 10, 20223Sep 10, 20223
Damian DeluneI Won’t Lie, Lockdowns and Suppressed Mail in Prison Has Me DownWhere I’ve been and what’s going on.Oct 21, 202210Oct 21, 202210
Damian DeluneWhat It’s Like to Receive Outside Medical Treatment When You’re in PrisonI hope you like being in chains.Nov 25, 20225Nov 25, 20225
Damian DeluneWhen You Think Things Are Going Well in Prison, You’re Probably WrongOr, what happens when you dare to think people aren’t shit.Dec 10, 202211Dec 10, 202211
Damian DeluneMerry Christmas From Prison, Where Being Given a Gift Gets You in TroubleThe story of the pettiness of guards in prison over a half sleeve of Oreos on Christmas EveDec 25, 20225Dec 25, 20225
Damian DeluneThe Prison Gave Us Tablets But Don’t Think It’s All a BlessingEverything comes at a price in prison, typically a steep one.Jan 13, 202321Jan 13, 202321
Damian DeluneHow Do You Know Which Adult Magazines Are Allowed in Your Loved One’s Prison?More often than not, trial and error — and the whims of whomever is in the mail room are major factors.Jan 22, 20232Jan 22, 20232
Damian DeluneWould You Trade Your Body Parts For Your Freedom?One state is proposing a bill to allow inmates time off their sentence if they donate organs.Feb 7, 20237Feb 7, 20237
Damian DelunePrisons and Private Companies are Making Huge Profits on the Backs of InmatesA new investigation by Cosmopolitan magazine details the horrific conditions females inmates were subjected to in Arizona during the…Feb 11, 20235Feb 11, 20235
Damian DeluneCertain People Have No Business Being a Correctional Officer in PrisonProper and ongoing evaluations should be mandatory.Feb 22, 20235Feb 22, 20235
Damian DeluneThe Dangerous and Petty Middle School Playground Mentality of a PrisonRemember the rumors flying? It’s worse than anything you can imagine.Apr 11, 20223Apr 11, 20223
Damian DeluneWhy I Refuse to PC or Go into Protective Custody Unless My Life Depends on ItIt may seem ignorant but there’s a point to the madness.Apr 21, 20224Apr 21, 20224