Wishing a Horrific Sentence on Someone Says More About You Than Their Crimes

Prison reform will never happen in this country as long as our citizens wish the worst on every offender.

Damian Delune
3 min readFeb 6, 2023
Image by Demeter V Delune created in Canva Pro

In the most recent piece published here, I wrote about the Chrisley’s being sent to prison for white collar crimes. More accurately, I wrote about some of the reactions to the type of prison Todd Chrisley in particular was sent to. It seems people in the internet have opinions (shocking, I know) about the cushiness level of federal prisons, even to the extent that Forbes, a magazine geared towards money and power, felt the need at one point to publish a list of the “cushiest federal prisons.”

Let me make it clear once again, there’s not a world I personally live in where I think there’s a need for a magazine such as Forbes to be publishing a listicle about cushy prisons because let me tell you, there’s really no such thing.

That’s nothing more than a front, an affront really, to those of us who actually have to live in these places.

But what it really is, what it boils down to, is a way to make people on the outside believe that prison isn’t really that bad, especially for white collar criminals. It’s a way for those of you who may start to feel a twinge of humanity…



Damian Delune

Incarcerated writer sharing real stories about life on the inside, through my wife, Demeter Delune (editor, publisher, promoter, responder)